ACCOMODATIONLectures, lunches and accomodation will be located in the Station Biologique de Roscoff.
The Auditorium, Place Georges Tessier, Bâtiment Yves Delage, Second floor and meeting rooms, Place Geoges Tessier, Hôtel de France, first floor More informations about de conference center : http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/fr
Lunch The restaurant is located at the first floor of the hotel Gulf Stream The restaurant
Accomodations Lodging is included in the registration fee. Two hotels near the conference Center are reserved for the participants: Hotel le Gulf Stream :
Hotel de France:
More informations and about the accomodation : http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/fr/station-biologique-de-roscoff/services/organisez-votre-congres-scientifique-a-la-station/hebergement-restauration |